Friday, October 10, 2008

What Kind Of Cervical Mucus Before Period

artwork for the single supplement Portugal's Expresso newspaper: Chronic
around the News That a rapist of a girl of 12 years Sentenced to five years in prison saw commuter Their sentences to suspended sentence for the Same Period, as the new Criminal Procedure Code Allows the suspension of prison sentences up to five years. This system Makes Creates the crime unpunished and terror in Victims.

Chronicle about the news that a rapist of a 12 year old girl, sentenced to five years in prison, have been commuted their sentences suspended sentence for the same period. Under the new Criminal Procedure Code allows the suspension of prison sentences up to five years. This system makes impunidad de la delincuencia y crea el terror en las casualties.

Chronicle about the news that a violator of a 12 year old girl sentenced to five years in prison had his sentence commuted to a suspended sentence for the same period, since the new Criminal Procedure Code allows the suspension of imprisonment up to five years. This system makes the crime and impunity creates terror in the victims.


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