Sunday, March 13, 2011

Where To Watch Nfl Football In Cairo

University, the Master, classes in French and even more so ... Sorry for delay

And finally I started with the master.
is true, I started writing this post like a month ago or so, at least, because we're already in January ... for at least, say, about 2 or 3 months ... but at least I'm finishing writing , which is what counts ... is not it? Anyway, I wanted to dedicate a post to explain that is the master, the materials and that sort of thing. Since the master is the reason I'm here.
First of all, it's very nice to be a student again. In other words, never stopped studying ... because as soon as I finished school I went to Germany, and the back (and starting the thesis) followed with my German and English courses and started (in the year 2007) with my French classes. Nor did I give exams because I paid in subsequent years international exams such language. Of course, a language test is not the same as one on a particular subject. But I never lost l'habitude. (Now I can finally use French expressions that always look good in a text, it makes me happy: D, as in German, not only is not good (for the rest, I mean, I love), and also would not understand if say that "I never lost the Gewohnheit ).
In the master I have many subjects, and are distributed throughout the week at different times, which I'm almost 100% busy with classes. I have German and English courses for each language course I have a translation, speaking and writing. The issue of translation is other than English, English and German is not German-English, but it is English-French and German-French. With which during translation classes, my mental efforts are quite high. Then
I have courses in accounting, marketing, information technology, international trade among others. Also I have a practice field with a company in the city of Dijon, which I touched it with a rescheduling of other companies, called, creatively, Dijon Auto Racing, which has a website, you can visit.
addition, I signed a supplementary course in French at an institute attached to the university called CIEF, where I stood at the highest level, and fell short ... unfortunately, the level of people is very low , but the teacher makes the class interesting and fun, which does not bother me, and are more courses in French, ... is fine.
Besides, I play sports (which I will describe it best in another post) as an extra activity, tennis and ping pong. Here sports are all free when you're a student ... but as I said, I will discuss that later.
I am also teaching courses in English, as I did in Germany, this time on my own. In Passau, was working for an agency of the university, here simply as an independent teacher. Also talk about this later, but I want to give a snapshot of the activities that took to fill every minute of my time, and maximize.
also took an extra field called Infographie, in which the teacher teaches us to use all the tools of photoshop. Thanks to this program could develop a brochure for the company I named Dijon Auto Racing few paragraphs above, as part of the mission, and distorted pictures were probably already on my facebook. It's a really magical program ... you can do what you want if you have the knowledge.
Thanks to all these activities, I was busy from Monday to Saturday almost full time. Leaving on Sunday as a day to rest, and order a bit the other day final.
Well I'm catching up with the tickets, I hope they have fun ... any questions, feedback, intrigue, question or issue shot, please let me know. J
Many greetings to all, we keep in touch, and thanks for reading the blog. : D


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